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September 28, 2008


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That looks like it takes forever to set up and the moose needs a ton of patience.

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But Mosses don't wear cloths!

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Oh my God! The Moose looks adorable, very Christmas - Rudolf?! Why not add red on the nose?

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indeed this moose looks adorable.

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Great site about How To Dress A Moose,this information really helped me , I really appreciate it. Thanks a lot for a bunch of good tips.

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Rudolf will envy this!

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Is that animal real? I can't believe it?

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That thing is huge.
As a fan of evolution, I can not help but wonder at nature.

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I can not help but laugh at this.


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I was in Ireland and Northern Ireland earlier this week. And I noticed a lot of houses had palms outside. So I was wondering what kind of palms it might have been? I mean it must be a type that can survive in cold weather.

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A great article indeed and a very detailed, realistic and superb analysis, of this issue, very nice write up, Thanks.

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Wow, it's a great reason for traveling abroad to those northern countries - only for seeing a dressed moose. I hope that it talks too!


Grissom shifted his eyes over at Brass, who was shaking his head back and forth knowingly.


Grissom shifted his eyes over at Brass, who was shaking his head back and forth knowingly.


Grissom shifted his eyes over at Brass, who was shaking his head back and forth knowingly.

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The guy on the pic must be so lucky. I haven't seen a moose yet. And it looks like the dress made the moose even cuter.

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I have not seen a moose that big enough. The size is close to a huge buffalo or a Bull

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I wonder how much fabric would it take to dress moose of that size? It looks like a pre-historic animal.


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