Lord Rees , the President of The Royal Society, has taken issue with my Wall Street Journal article last criticizing the Society's attempt to defund critics of its climate policy. Here it is. His reply follows.
......Nullius In Verba
In 1663, a group of savants formed a London club to discuss "useful knowledge." John Milton's "Areopagitica" was very much on the minds of those early scientists, for it warned that Puritan control of the press could turn into state control of thought. Dissent could get you killed in Restoration England, at sword's point if gentlemen took umbrage, or on the gallows if it traduced royal policy or Holy Writ. So they were mighty relieved when King Charles II agreed to join them, for, with such a patron, the Fellows of the Royal Society (including Oliver Cromwell's brother in law ) would not fear for their necks or purses when speaking truth to power or questioning authority -- until now.
The Royal Society's
view of the conflict between authority and evidence is made clear by
its motto. Nullius in Verba is Latin shorthand for what Harry Truman
meant when he said "I'm from Missouri. Show me." It's a notion the full
quote from Horace -- Nullius addictus judicare in verba magestri --
expands into the gold standard of objectivity: "Not compelled to swear
to any master's words."
In political terms that translates into
don't let policy proceed from mere perceptions of authority. Abroad,
the Royal Society shares the outrage of American scientists at pious
politicians seeking to constrain stem cell research funding. But at
home the Royal Society seems bent on stopping research at odds with the
environmental agenda of the Labor Party
Old Labour's hoariest
political stratagem, class warfare, collapsed along with communism a
generation ago. In that implosion's aftermath, the environment has
become New Labour's communitarian fall-back excuse for justifying
societal intervention. The Royal Society has been a Whig institution
since Darwin's day, encompassing a dynasty of left-wing science
popularizers going back to J.B.S. Haldane and Bertrand Russell. Now it
is trying to establish itself as a virtual Leviathan in the world of
Green politics by extending the political correctness of Tony Blair's
nanny state into the scientific realm. Its latest outburst is an
Orwellian call to defund scientific inquiry instead of defending it.
Royal Society's senior manager for policy communication, Robert Ward,
has tried to browbeat Exxon Mobil into blacklisting 39 groups whose
inconvenient dissent casts doubt on the policy agenda shared by the
Society and the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change. A
letter from Mr. Ward to Exxon leaked to the Guardian reveals that he
wants those he deems to have "misrepresented the science of climate
change" put on a Do Not Fund List because "[t]he next IPCC report gives
people the final push that they need to take action and we can't have
people trying to undermine it."
In other words,
stop gainsaying the science that Green foundations are paying good
money to advertise. The source of political contention is less the
science in the IPCC's indigestibly erudite 4,000-page reports than
their translation into vivid Green rhetoric by the bureaucratic masters
of the U.N. Environmental Program (UNEP). Those floridly political
"executive summaries" have driven everything from the Kyoto Treaty to
EU regulation of refrigerators.
Those who aspire to New Labour's
science establishment may feel compelled to swear by such words, lest
they end up blackballed from the other London club frequented by the
Society's president, the House of Lords. Lord May, the president of the
Royal Society, owes his peerage to faithful service as Tony Blair's
chief science adviser, and echoing Foreign (and past Environment)
Minister Margaret Beckett's repetition of whatever Green publicists
air. The laboratory cash flow of the honorable Eco-Lord's pals will
also swell if the Royal Society can empower UNEP by silencing disloyal
whispers that no one knows how to forecast climate 344 years hence.
silence them it will -- protracted scientific controversy about global
systems models is tedious, and the authoritarian backroom boys at the
Royal Society understandably intend to end it. Mr. Blair's "Yes,
Minister" nanny state scorns free speech. True, some of the contrarian
organizations on the blacklist are no great loss to science because
they are run by registered lobbyists. But their reluctance to
acknowledge climate change is no excuse for freezing out freedom of
scientific inquiry.
The Royal Society must choose between its
motto and using other people's purse strings to throttle dissent -- if
the motto goes, it must abdicate its divine right to pontificate as
well. If it persists in toying with censorship, it should be privatized
for seeking to subjugate the Republic of Science to the words of its
political masters.
If it wants to reinvent itself as a Green PR
firm, fine -- let the private foundations pushing the UNEP foot the
bill. Perhaps they can underwrite the hostile takeover of scientific
independence by selling Royal Society Fellowships, just as New Labour
does peerages, for payments in cash or political kind. But what about
the clubhouse?
Lord May & Co.'s palatial premises
overlooking St. James's Park should of course revert to the crown,
whence the late Society's grace and favor so long flowed. Her Majesty's
government may want to turn it into condos, like the former Royal Mint,
as advertising firms already in the business of selling science would
pay handsomely for such a prestigious address, and diehards bent on
imposing technical literacy on Parliament (or Congress) can still be
locked safely away in its commodious wine cellar. Few in government
will notice their absence, because fashionable as talk of politicized
science may be, it cannot fairly be said to exist until both sides have
some inkling of what it is they are trying to politicize.
No one
compelled Thomas Jefferson to swear "eternal hostility to every form of
tyranny over the mind of man." If the recent history of science has
anything to teach, it is that there is no place in a free society for a
self-appointed Central Committee of Scientific Truth. Until the Royal
Society comes to grips with the Enlightenment, its baroque motto
deserves a rest.
Russell Seitz's florid depiction of the Royal Society "Nullius in Verba," is entertaining but misleading in the extreme. It is ironic that he labors to portray us as an organization with scant regard for the evidence when he fails even to identify me as the current president. (Lord May was my predecessor.)
Contrary to his accusation, the Society has never sought to
prevent the funding of scientific inquiry on climate change or any other area.
In fact, the Society champions and promotes academic freedom. It funds some of
The Royal Society has never asked Exxon to stop funding any organizations. At a meeting, instigated by Exxon, the Society pointed out that the company was funding a number of groups that have been misinforming the public about the scientific evidence on climate change. The company freely made a pledge to stop this funding, and the letter Mr. Seitz cites in his article followed up that assurance.
The Royal Society and 10 of the world's scientific academies, including the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, have spoken out on climate change in order to clarify where the overwhelming weight of scientific evidence lies. Let us be clear: This points to the need for urgent international action to cut emissions of greenhouse gases.
Ensuring that
Martin Rees London Russell Seitz comments: I did not wish to make Rees a party to a controversy initiated by
his predecessor , but regret I failed to catch the removal of 'past '
from in front of 'president ' at one point as the essay was edited
down to Op-ed length by the WSJ. Lord May has continued to speak for himself, but I ought indeed to have followed the
RS election cycle more diligently. However, I note that Rees fails to identify himself as having
presided over the departure of past Manager For Policy Communications
Ward from the Royal Society's employ ,to join ,of all things , a
floridly Green ' lobby group.'
President of the Royal Society
David Smith writes :
I'm delighted to hear Dr. Rees say "This translates as 'on the words of no one'... a commitment to empirical evidence as the basis of knowledge..."
I take that to mean that the programming language "words" that, added to assumptions and simplifications make up computerized models (software = data structures + algorithms), will no longer be used to drive policy recommendations.
Or is that too much to hope?
RS responds to David Smith :
The noble Lord Master of Trinity
I'm sure would be glad to be rid of me
But it's Latin infernal
To make in The Journal
Of nemo and nullius a quiddity
Posted by: David Smith | March 14, 2007 at 02:04 PM
Mr. Rees I am sorry but your position does not convince.
Let me put this simply; as long as the troposphere temperature data does not fit the theory, the theory that carbon dioxide causes greenhouse effect warming is wrong. In addition, as long as the paleo record shows that, in the past, temperature increase has preceeded carbon dioxide increase the theory that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes warming is wrong. You cannot dismiss a violation in causality with a wave of the hand or a claim on consensus. Other evidence that may or may not support the theory is irrelevent.
If a theory fails to explain observed phenomena or fails to be useful as a predictive tool it should be discarded. At the present the theory you are supporting has failed on both criteria.
The global warming establishment has turned a legitimate scientific question into a large scale demonstration of poor ethics. This is doing a great damage to science as a whole.
What part of ' carbon cycle feedback' don't you understand ?
Posted by: Paul Nevins | March 15, 2007 at 02:29 PM
So Lord Rees's position is that because the Royal Society takes the word of no man, we should take the word of the Royal Society?
Posted by: Robert Speirs | March 19, 2007 at 08:46 AM
Regarding causality -- if we have accepted the idea of the ends justifying the means, then does it not follow (not that "following" per se has any particular weight under this regime) that causality is a casualty of the revolution?
I suppose it all depends on how we define what "we" is. :)
Posted by: Ron Schwarz | June 24, 2007 at 02:11 AM
"...there is no place in a free society for a self-appointed Central Committee of Scientific Truth..."
The proverb "Every cloud has a silver lining." prompts me to speculate that the younger generation are straining at the leash, eager to investigate these 'sacred cow' scientific theories with a dissenting opinion. Youth will always rally to the rebelious cause. The prospects of new scientific discovery are highest, when dogma is defended by 'Inquisition' rather than reasoned argument.
Science may once again become a popular pursuit, by virtue of controversy.
Posted by: Alastair Carnegie | June 05, 2008 at 02:01 AM
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Posted by: kamagra | November 16, 2010 at 01:19 PM
In this essay, attacks on Catholicism should be read with the context of the English Civil War kept in mind. Although the English had had some form of censorship since about 1530, Milton tried to shame Parliament into adopting his views by claiming it a recent Catholic import, a product of the King's Star Chamber, which so recently had been abolished (1641), and which had been the principal opponent of the Protestant Parliament. While the Licensing Order had as its official intent the restoration of the legal protection of the Stationer's Company monopoly on printing, Milton saw as its byproduct the return of state control over publishing in general. His own experience in having to get his writings on divorce published without license, reinforced his views that a new dogmatic authority was replacing the old.
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The motto, "nullius in verba", is Latin for "Take nobody's word for it", and was adopted to signify the Fellows' determination to establish facts via experiments; it comes from Horace's Epistles, where he compares himself to a gladiator who, having retired, is free from control.
Posted by: Govinda | January 12, 2011 at 04:37 AM
Is this another battle between science and christianity? The phrase, "don't let policy proceed from mere perceptions of authority", might be a good point in layman's term. However, we need to obey them which have the rule over us. Let's just erase the word authority if they were not meant to be followed.
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Posted by: generic viagra | February 13, 2011 at 10:35 PM
"don't let policy proceed from mere perceptions of authority"... "on the words of no one"
Those phrases make remember that science has to be well taught!!
As Russell Seitz said.. I belive information has to be socialiced!!
Poeple need to be inform and prepare them to take action!!
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