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December 30, 2007


Bente Lilja Bye

Hilarious! As a person with some insight in physics - theoretical astrophysics to be precise - I am wondering who did the energy calculations of all these campaigns?

Living in Norway has made me used to lots of light during the dark hours (light pollution I call it as it makes it harder to see the stars). One of the first differences I noticed between Norway and other countries, like France, was the fact that there were no lights on in the villages at night. Completely dark it was. That was back in the 80ies. Now that has all changed. They are polluted with night light as well now.

Still, I wonder if all this light saving is good for anything but our morale and climate/energy awareness.

Interesting to see that religious behavior is about to change due to global warming!


You are dork!

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One of the first differences I noticed between Norway and other countries, like France, was the fact that there were no lights on in the villages at night.

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