I encourage you to write Stockholm seconding my nomination of the Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize Committee for next years Nobel Prize In Economics, richly deserved for their brilliant coup in adding value to Norway's gas and oil reserves.
The Nobel they gave our former next president should accelerate his efforts to jack up the price of coal through carbon taxation. The more high carbon fuel costs, the more valuable low-carbon North Sea gas and oil reserves become. This should enrich Norway by a cool trillion Kroner.
Not a bad return on four Storting politicians and a retired Tromso University president awarding five million kroner of a Swedish foundation's money to an American film star. Stockholm can scarcely object- what fraction of the Nobel endowment is vested in the energy business these days ?
If only Admiral Hyman Rickover had lived to see cutting CO2 become a sure fire way to earn a Peace Prize ! Banishing fossil fuel from whole fleets of strategic submarines would definitely qualify. Fortunately, Baroness Thatcher yet lives, and Lord knows she put paid to a lot of coal mines.
You can find the nomination forms on the web.