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October 14, 2007


Wondering Aloud

I don't understand this. What are you saying here? It seems Lindzen should have taken this bet based on the data. Are you about to claim you were wrong all along and catastrophic warming is coming?
Response ;
I suggest you read 'A war Against Fire" ,the earliest post in the listof that name on the sidebar .

Wondering Aloud

Well, Ok, thank you for answering, I guess part of what you are saying is. That the uncertainty is too great to make good prediction. Still it seems Lindzen should have bet on this. I don't understand why he didn't, and at much lower odds than he quoted.

In a way this is one of the strongest pieces of evidense I've seen in favor of anthropogenic global warming. (tongue somewhat in cheek)

Perhaps you should link this to Junkscience.com someone there has offered a rather substantial bet on this issue.

The referenced article did raise a bunch of other questions for me but I'll leave them for now.


hi this is sneha, m student of msu of baroda m doing research so i want to take global warming as my topic is global warming gives any simbol for the end of our world or what ?


hi this is sneha, m student of msu of baroda m doing research so i want to take global warming as my topic is global warming gives any simbol for the end of our world or what ?

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