'Tis Energy-Intensive, Being a Beefeater
How to Live a Low-Carbon Life notwithstanding, it is far Greener to drive to a Brit butcher shop than hoof it, for according to HM Government, driving a typical UK car 3 miles adds 2 pounds of CO2 to the atmosphere.
Walking would consume 180 calories, which would take about 4 Oz. of beef to replace. But raising cattle is so energy intensive that 8 pounds of emissions would be required to power the pedestrian, making it four times more CO2 efficient to send a Sloane Ranger in a Range Rover than have a yeoman hoof it. Shipping grass-fed New Zealand lamb 11,000 miles to the UK likewise saves 3/4 the carbon dioxide emission of raising it in a green and pleasant English feedlot.
Since a 3 mile hike fueled by a 180 calorie glass of milk releases 1.5 pounds of CO2, Red-blooded True-Blue Greens marching off to the climate wars should tank up on this quality product --
Just 2 ounces of CO2 per 100 calories!
There are even Greener alternative beverages, notably a high-fructose corn syrup tipple called ' Coca Cola'
Fun with numbers at ADAMANT.
One of the reasons Henk Tennekes referred to Climatology as the first post-Newtonian science was that it uses "the tools of science" (math) without the structure of science (falsifiability, prediction).
You do get me thinking, Mr. Seitz.
Posted by: Climateer | August 06, 2007 at 01:58 PM
Then combine "Climatology" with politics and you get a totally flexible authoritative mechanism for social control. Sweet.
Posted by: Robert Speirs | August 13, 2007 at 07:11 AM
Thank you for introducing me the wonderful information.And .....Totally boring.!
Posted by: Health News | March 18, 2011 at 02:54 AM