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April 16, 2007


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Google gets into the messy business of telecommunications. I don’t mean to say Google’s day job is easy but the telecom market gets it involved with government agencies like the FCC on a more regular basis. Like many other large telcos the company will have to spend more and more money lobbying and technology differentiation may be less important than government regulations in ensuring future success.


Many photos are made with photoshop and can do anything you want, nobody It's gonna tell you, your a liar because, a picture is worth than a thousand words and we don't even mencioned the special effects haha

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I can't believe how much of this I just wasn't aware of. Thank you for bringing more information to this topic for me. I'm truly grateful and really impressed.

Miami Web Design

Oh my God. I'm in shock, because what happend in 9-11.
and all the dead people there, is like an scary movie, in real life

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