Space tourism may not be to everyone's taste, but it opens the hope that, Out There, even supermodels can eat all they want.
Nature reports the imaging of a pair of twin neutron stars , each sixteen miles in diameter, with gravity 100,000 times stronger than on the face of the Earth. This may open alarming new perspectives in Chiropractic and Virtual Dieting .
Approaching within 8 miles , the first intrepid runway astronauts to visit these brave new worlds will experience Spanish Inquisition spinal forces, but at the same time their waistlines should contract to 18 inches or less. This pleasant realization will give way to heavy (~ 5 metric tonne) hearts 4 miles out , and on spiraling in to one mile they will alas discover that a rising tide rips all ships.
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Posted by: Health News | March 17, 2011 at 11:51 PM